Friday, December 2, 2011

Treasures and Trinkets

Good Day Brothers and Sisters!

I was very pleased to receive a comment from my esteemed colleague, the Reverend Tim, who currently hails from the Twin Cities.  The Rev. Tim is doing good work out there.  Regarding our discussion on stuff, he writes:

"But I like my stuff! :-P "


  1. Five minute list:

    1. My family. They get out first.
    2. My pets. If possible. Two cats, one will be easy, one difficult.
    3. A bottle of Scotch to drink while I watch the house burn.

    I do like my stuff, but I also understand that it is just stuff. There are things that I will miss greatly if it is lost, but the are things like old photographs, etc.

    Most "stuff" can be replaced.

    Do I have too much stuff? Sure.

    Do I run out and buy the newer stuff when it comes out? Hell no.

    I have bought one brand new car in my life. I loved that car, but I have bought used ever since.

    I have never purchased a new motorcycle.

    Do I have debt? Sure, but we are working on it. :)

    Thanks for the kick in my ass too Rev.

  2. My 5 minute list-
    My kids
    My lockbox
    A handful of photos
    One Betsy Johnson (just kidding) I'd be afraid time was running out so I'd scram in my tender milk-fed Jewish skin.
    Rev, I like your stuff too.

  3. 1) Animals
    2) Old Photos
    3) My great-grandfather's violin

    The rest is replaceable.

  4. The Rev wants to stress that any "Five-Minute List" should be topped by the living or animate members of the family. Consider this a public service comment.
