Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shortest Days

Hello Friends and Neighbors!  

The last of the shortest days are upon us, at least for this year.  Regardless of which group of dogmatics tries to claim it as their own special day, we know, as our ancient Brethren knew, that each year the shortest day, and longest night, represent a significant passage.  The winter solstice marks the return of the light, ever so slowly and surely, as the days lengthen and the night's darkness retreats.  As the solstice passes, Sisters and Brothers, we are blessed with the promise of the return of light and warmth.

So it goes, my Brethren, with our struggle against the Down-Pressor.  Even when the darkness envelopes us the longest, there is hope.  Hope galvanizes our will to continue the struggle.  So today, this day, what can we do to strike a blow?  What are we going to do today to take back the power?  How can we, each of us, take back a dollar from the Down-Pressor.  I understand Brethren, it is only a dollar.  But, like the light, change comes gradually and steadily, almost imperceptibly, yet it comes and the promise of hope remains.

Brothers and Sisters, let the return of the light for this season be a return to action!  Rabble-rouse, my Brethren!  Rake up some muck!  Shine a light on the shenanigans of the Corporations.  Hold up a mirror to their lackeys in government.  Occupy, inspire and interact within your community, as the new season's light pushes back the darkness.  And, and my Sisters and Brothers, take the individual actions that can and will strike a blow against the Down-Pressors.  If you are able, pay down even the smallest fraction of your consumer debt.  Think of the power of your pocketbook when you make a purchase.  We send a message every time we buy, or choose not to buy.  

As the light returns, we must, each of us, keep up the fight!  As our most esteemed Brother Bob Marley sang to us, "Now you see the light, Stand up for your right!"

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