Friday, January 13, 2012


Here in our fellowship, Friends and Neighbors, we are trying to accomplish a few small goals, very small and very few.  All we are trying to do is change the world by wresting back control of our governments, and our financial systems, from the greedy claws of the Corporate Demons and their Down-Pressors.  Simple, no?  In conjunction with all of the other efforts by our brave Brethren to occupy, demonstrate, and act out, we are advocating the additional tactic of personal financial freedom.  Hit the Down-Pressor right where it hurts the most, in his pocket book.  The Reverend says to all of us:  "Take back the money, take back the power, and take back our lives!"

What are the simple tenets that we espouse, Sisters and Brothers, to accomplish these small goals?  We know what we have to do.  We have to pay down, or pay off, our debts.  To do that, we have to consume less, spending less of our hard-earned capital and, when we do spend it, spending it more wisely.

Simple, yes?  Well, actually, yes it is.  We are the engine of labor that powers the machinery of the economic system, which produces the capital.  That is the truth, Brethren.  It is ourselves who power the economy, not the parasites in the glass towers.  The Hedge-Funders, Banksters and Derivative-Deviates produce nothing but pain and grief for those that labor, and in return they attempt to take everything.  Remember that old, tired saw about the theory of "Trickle-Down?"  This laughable scam involved trying to convince the rest of us that if the rich just got richer, eventually they would become so rich that some of that richness would finally trickle down to the poor mortals struggling down here in reality.  Balderdash, deceit and trickery, none of which has the truth in any part of it.  They are still trying it Sisters!  Do not be hoodwinked Brothers!

The other day, a most Righteous Sister was pointing out the frequency of the use of a certain buzz-word.  I know that we have all heard it bandied about.  The word in question is "robust."  As the Sister made clear, whenever some Corporate Lap-Dog Politico is blathering on about the economy, it has to be "robust".  "We need to strive for a robust economy."  "These measures will bring about a robust economic recovery."  Who are these people and what planet do they inhabit?  Robust?  Brothers and Sisters, the only thing robust about the present economy is the robust efforts that the pirates on Wall Street, and in big bank offices, are putting into stealing us blind.  The very successful efforts of the Corporate Demons to own every aspect of the government, and its members, is pretty damn robust.  The hired lawyers for those pond scum, moral cripples at Monsanto are robust in their efforts to sue every family farmer they can sink their claws into.  Robust!  Ha!  It's laughable, Man!  Bush league psych-out stuff.  

What is a whole lot more than robust is the serious, day-to-day struggle that many of our Brethren engage in just to keep food on the family table, and some form of shelter over the family bed.  These corporate clowns, and their bought-and-paid-for political henchmen, are so far removed from the consequences their actions have had on working people, they have have become the Marie Antoinette's of this age.  I can hear them wondering, "Why the peasants are upset this time?"  The Reverend is here to lay down the reasons, Brothers and Sisters, why we are upset!  We are upset at being ripped off, lied to, and misrepresented.  We are upset at having our system of government bought out from underneath us without a fare-thee-well.  We are upset at having the highest (what ARE they smoking) court in the US tell us that corporations are just like people, and have the rights of individuals.  You damn Skippy we're a little upset.  

Speaking of the insane idea that corporations have the same rights as individuals, I suggest that the next time these rich parasites decide to have a war to protect their oil fields, we try something different.  Instead of sending the brave men and women of the armed forces to do their dirty work, I think the rest of us should firmly suggest that Corporations pick up a rifle and go get their own asses shot up or blown off.  Let's see how robust that makes them feel.  Unfortunately, they would, as they always do, hire someone else to do their insidious chores.

In closing this evening, The Rev wants to reiterate that here in the fellowship, we don't give a hoot for dogma.  Whether you find solace in the teachings of Allah, bless His name, the tenets of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism or even the traditional teachings of the Pastafarians and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you are welcome here in the fellowship, my Brethren.  It don't matter to the Sisters and Brothers if you swirl with the Sufi's, or dance with the Rastas, striking a blow is striking a blow.  The same lack of dogma applies to where a Brother or Sister falls on the political spectrum.  Tea-Party or Communist Party, it makes no difference.  Just join the party, Brethren!

Please, my most Righteous Brothers and Sisters, remember one solid fact.  The Corporations, and all of their Down-Pressors, prey upon each and every one of our Brethren, without regard for race, creed, gender, age, political persuasion, or sexual orientation.  We have got to fight back in the same way.  Each of us, regardless of our differences, or the nuances of our beliefs, must do whatever we can to strike a blow!!

I have faith in each and all of our beautiful Brethren.  Be Strong!  Fight the Power!

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