Good Evening Friends and Neighbors. First off, the Rev would like to give a most enthusiastic tip and wave of the Rev lid for all of the responses I have received regarding yesterdays entry here on our blog. That's right Sisters and Brothers, this is OUR blog, not mine. I am blessed to receive all sorts of great tips and guidance from our Brethren, and all I can say is "Thank you Brothers!! Thank you Sisters!!"
It would seem that we, all of us, including myself, need a little reminder that the fruits of our labor belong to us, not to the Down-Pressor. The Down-Pressor does not, and cannot, produce anything. He merely siphons off, steals, loots and pillages the product of our labor. Well, I say we take it back!!
Rather than letting my theoretical run away with me, I want to take this opportunity to hit back at the Down-Pressor with some simple nuts and bolts know-how. That, and a few re-used PET bottles, and a couple of hoses. What, you may ask, am I blathering about? Well, I'll tell you what I'm blathering about. I blathering about growing our own food.
The Rev has said it before and, as we all know, he will say it again for good measure; grow your own my Brethren. Now many of us don't have a bit of soil to call are own, or even to borrow for good purpose. If you are fortunate to have access to some growin' land, a backyard or backlot or pea-patch or a roof top, go for it Sisters! Till the land, Brothers! Every bite of veg that we can grow is a mouthful towards freedom. And, as an added bonus, the Down-Pressor HATES IT when we grow our own, because he can't figure out how to profit from it. He tries, in the guise of the Demon Monsanto, to drive the seed suppliers out of business, and that, that my Brethren, is reason enough to grow your own.
Now, back to the nuts and bolts part. What are our Brethren to do if they have no bit of soil with which to grow so much as a single head of lettuce? The answer, Brothers and Sisters, is to look to our windows. That is right, window gardening for the urban dweller. There are many, many resources for window gardening and it works! From simple DIY projects made from recycled PET bottles, to complex gardens that involve pumps and hoses, there are many ways to the same result: growing food indoors in urban environments.

Here are just a few links to get you started.
My Brethren, this is a way to grow some tasty veg, keep some of those plastic bottles out of our oceans and, at the same time, stick it to the Down-Pressor, Monsanto and all of the other Demons of the corporate food machine.
Let us go forth and cultivate, Sisters and Brothers! Keep the faith, till the soil (or hydroponics) and Strike a Blow!!!!!!
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