Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Gallon at a Time, Sisters and Brothers, a Gallon at a Time!

In the spirit of keeping our eyes on the prize, The Reverend is going to restate that which has been laid down already, the simple message of reducing debt and reducing consumption.  If our hard-working Brothers and Sisters reduce consumption, they will reduce their costs.  Reduced costs equates to more cash left over at the end of the week and with it the ability to keep paying down the pernicious evil of consumer debt hanging over our households.  

Now, I know our Brethren out there are already trying to find ways to keep more of their wages in their pockets, while at the same time keeping as much money away from the greedy Down-Pressor Man as possible.  Every time one of our number finds a way to live more simply, stepping out, more and more, from under shadow of debt, all of us become lighter and more self-empowered.

I know that the people struggle!  I see it, see it every day.  I see the Brethren opposing the Down-Pressor Man, and one of the greatest of these struggles is trying to stay out ahead of Big Oil. 

How can we do it?  Most of us have the need to get to work, to drive the family to their activities, to bring home those expensive bags of groceries to feed our flocks.  Our mobility is important to us and leaves us at the mercy of the greediest cartel of all, the cartel of Exxon-Mobile, Conoco-Phillips, Chevron and Shell.  

I don't need to tell my Sisters and Brothers that the cost for all fuels has sky-rocketed, and with it have sky-rocketed the profits of these mega-corporations.  Even British Petroleum, whose  recent disastrous oil rig explosion killed working men and polluting the Gulf of Mexico, raked in  huge profits on the backs of the world's working consumers.  

Here are some pertinent links to the rise in oil prices and the rise in oil profits.

Here is another link to an article that is, interestingly enough, written from a fairly conservative, investor standpoint.  Even written with the outlook of an investor, some of the points and counterpoints made regarding Exxon's explanations of its profits are illuminating.  

I can hear people asking, "OK Rev, we all know that oil prices are putting the hurt on the people.  Tell us something we don't know!  What can we do about it?  We all need to get around and you know that fuel prices effect the price of all the things we buy, everyday." 

The Reverend hears you and you are right.  So let's get down to it.  There are methods that I believe our Brethren can use to fight back against the oil companies.  We are, all of us, dependent on the fossil fuel.  But we can do whatever we can to lessen that dependence and with it, lessen the amount of money we are laying out to the Oil Devils.  

The Reverend Says:  "Hit the Sidewalk."  Walking is a great way to get around and its free.  Try walking to the local market, instead of driving the car.  Not only will we get a chance to say hello to our friends and neighbors, but we will get in a bit of exercise as well.  Walking is a way to see and experience things that we never see when we are zooming around in an automobile.  Taking the shoe leather express will change our perspective, help us stay in shape, and most importantly, walking does not require dropping a wad of cash into Big Oil's greedy hand.  

The Reverend Says:  "Double Down."  Ride with a buddy, neighbor or co-worker.  Even if we can only car pool a few days a week, we use less fuel and keep more green, in our pockets and in our world.  If we share one shopping trip or errand with a friend or neighbor, that could be a gallon of fuel saved.  That's four hard-earned dollars my Brethren!   We can plan trips so that we are doing multiple errands in one excursion, choosing our routes so that we avoid unnecessary mileage.  Try starting a community ride pool with your neighbors.  Ride sharing is a great way to save fuel, save money, meet the neighbors and thumb our noses at the Down-Pressor.  We can take a page from our Mexicano Brethren, who will fill a taxi with a spontaneous chant of "Collectivo, collectivo!" until enough folks are gathered to fill a mini-bus or taxi, thus saving all of the members hard coin!  "Viva! Collectivo!"

The Reverend Says:  "Bus it my Brothers!"  That's right, Sisters too, of course.  Riding the bus, the train, the water taxi, the collectivo, all of these public transport options will save our righteous Brethren some serious money and vehicle wear and tear, while at the same time using the means of transport most loathed by the Oil Man.  

The Reverend Says:  "Bike it my Sisters!"  Nothing slams it to the Man and trims off those extra pounds like bicycling to work.  Look online in your local community to hook up with other get-down Brethren who are using the power of the pedal.  

The Reverend Says:  "Maintain it, Man!"  That's right, if we are going to drive, make sure that the old rig is tip-top.  Clean air filters, proper tune-ups and properly inflated tires are all little things that can add up to big savings.  There are a veritable plethora of websites and online information about gas-savings tips for your automobile.  I urge my Brethren to check it out!.

How are we going to lessen Big Oil's stranglehold on our lives?  The answer, my Brethren, is one gallon at a time.  We can reduce consumption and in the process reduce our outlay of cash to the oil barons.  One Gallon at a time my Brothers!  One Gallon at a time my Sisters!  We can, each of us, make a difference.  There are more than 200 million drivers in the United States alone.  If each of our Brothers and Sisters driving automobiles reduced their fuel consumption by one gallon a day, that reduction would equal about 76 Billion gallons of fuel.  Yes indeed my Brethren, that is a LOT of zeros:  76,000,000,000.  And if we convert that to dollars, it comes out to roughly 280 Billion Dollars.  

Remember My Brothers and Sisters, revolutions are not won at a stroke, by magic, or by sitting in front of the television.  Revolutions are won by persistent, incremental shifts in behavior, belief and practice, over a period of time.  The belief is ours and the time is NOW!  I have faith in all of you and I believe that we can, each of us together, throw off the shackles of the Down-Pressor!

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