Friday, May 25, 2012


Today, today Sisters and Brothers, I am down with Tyler Durden, the character created by Chuck Palaniuk in his seminal work "Fight Club."  Describing the IKEA culture we have descended to, he urges:

"F**k off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may." 

Today, my Brethren, is a radical day.  Today, I can clearly see the chains.  Today is a day for iconoclastic action.  It is a good day to throw off the shackles.

I know of one of the Brethren who has been suffering.  Like many of the Brethren, he is in a spot between hardness and the rock wall.  Trapped by a house he cannot afford, beset by health issues, he finds himself confined in a cage of consumerism.  This is a cage that he willingly built, having bought the line, drunk the Kool-Aid, whatever you want to call it.  He heard the siren call of stuff, had the means to answer, and did so.  And now, now our Brother suffers, yet at the same time he is now awake!  He knows he built the cage.  His eyes are open.  

Now is the time.  There is surely pain and hardship to come for our Brother, and for many of the Brethren.  We are, Brothers and Sisters, faced with hard choices.  Yet the difficulty of choices made with awareness are far preferable to those "choices" made caged and blinded.   

Please, Sisters and Brothers, remember that a population addicted to the next consumer purchase is a population that is easy to hoodwink, easy to control.  Let us, each of us, help ourselves and help the Brethren by starting our own little Project Mayhem.  Take a little piece out of the system.  Do it today.  Every small act of barter, of conscious spending or not spending, every choice to support local or sustainable business models, each of these actions makes us stronger.  

On a day like today, a radical day, maybe we can even pull off something larger than a small act.  The Down-Pressor likes to rain the hammer blows on our heads, the heads of those whom they believe are sleeping.  The Reverend says, let the hammer fall on the chains instead!  

It is a good day to be strong, Sisters and Brothers, a good day to strike a blow!

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